The context, the objectives, the planned activities and the outcomes of the Edugraal Erasmus + KA220 European project are considered of a big value for our school from the very beginning. This is the main reason we decided to participate and work for it. The idea of planning adventure activities and using the gamification method on the context of homework in different subjects sounded very appealing.  Not only because it is something new to us but mostly because we, as teachers have realized that the idea of standard homework doesn’t motivate students so much, on the contrary they often deal with it as a kind of a chore. This kind of approach has a little or none effect on their learning adventure.

To ensure the success of the project we had, among the others to plan a dissemination strategy in order to make it know to all the members of the school community, so we first presented it to the teachers association of our school.  There was a discussion about the homework assignments as it worked in our school and how we could improve it with the help of the edugraal project, based on gamification.

After the first online meeting we had with our partners in January 22 we set clear goals and we addressed a letter to students and their families letting them know about the project and how it will work in our school. An article was post in our website as well.

Teachers of different subjects started working on it in order to find common topics with the partner schools for the lessons and adventures to be planned.

A poster with the logo and the topics of the project was set at school to make it more visible to the school community and to the people who are visiting our school.

After the meeting in Cordoba an article about it was released to the local press and posted to the school’s website.

A teacher’s meeting was held to let them know how the work on the project is carrying on and what are the next tasks to be completed.  Three teachers with professional skills in English and French undertake to translate the parts of the project in Greek. Teachers of Biology, Maths, Science and Chemistry got enrolled to the Edugraal lesson plans and adventures to comment them.

After the meeting in Perugia, where the tasks of the program discussed again in full details, in order to be clear to all the partners, questions were answered, some problems were solved, deadlines were revised and put new ones. We had a new meeting with the teachers to let them know how the project is developed so far and how they could contribute to it. Articles were also released to the local press and posted to our school’s webpage. A biology teacher started working with her classes on the biology lesson plan and learning adventures.

We also contacted two more schools (1rst experimental Gymnasio of Larissa  and Gymnasio of Almyros )to ask them to help us with the testing of the lesson plans and learning adventures. First, we called the headteachers/vice-headteachers on the phone to explain them the project idea and then we sent them by email the six lessons plans and adventures. They agreed on testing two lesson plans and adventures each and send us feedback till the end of May.

Following these dissemination steps up to now we believe we reached a reasonable number of people (up to 2.500) who are already aware about the project and its objectives and how we could use it at class to make learning more effective and inclusive for all students.

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